Aaron Ricketts


Philadelphia, PA

How did you get your start in photography?

My interest in photography started around my sophomore year of high school. My digital media teacher, Catherine Patelli,, introduced me to the whole medium of photography. Then I got introduced to Photoshop that really blew my mind. I saw that I could shoot photos and take it a step further to create different viewpoints that I see in mind.

How would you describe your photography style?

I’m really versatile as far as my style. I can shoot concerts, weddings, lifestyle, and surrealism. My style could be considered simplistic and futuristic. I like geometric shapes, architecture, and modern clean colors.

What's your favorite lens and why?

My favorite lens right now is Nikon 18 to 85. I like shooting wide but I also like to get tight shots. The lens has a great versatility to go from wide to really tight. I also have a Sigma 17 to 70, it’s kind of similar to Nikon put it goes to f2.8 so it’s really good for low light environments.

Where do you draw inspiration for your photos?

I’m a really big kid. I’m 24 and I still watch cartoons, anime, and I’m also a big movie buff. Those are my three biggest inspirations. I want my photos to resemble movie posters. That’s the look I’m currently striving for.

On notable projects:

I did a project with K-SWISS, the photos actually aren’t out yet, it’s for their Fall/Winter 16 campaign. They have used one of the photos recently for a trade show. We shot the project at a racquet club in Philadelphia. It had this gigantic all black room, black walls, black doors, so that was really dope to shoot in. I also did a project for the clothing line THEORY. They were introducing this new material and wanted to highlight its durability, so I took a lot of shots of figures jumping overhead. I had a really fun time working with them.

What other photographers have influenced you the most?

For the most part, I try to keep to myself because I don’t want to get to the point where I’m looking at someone else’s work so much that I begin to copy them. There are a few photographers that really inspire me: @thebrightesthour, @creationsofla, and @shotsbycones.

What is your personal process to capture a great photo?

I have an unique process for taking photos. I don’t draw out my ideas on storyboards. I visualize all my photos and translate what’s in my mind through my shots.

What technology or software do you use to help with your photographic process?

I use Photoshop is for the composition of my photos, for editing I use Lightroom and that’s where I get to the "nitty gritty" of my aesthetic. I’ve also begin shooting video and I've use Premiere for video editing.

What are some of the challenges you have faced as a photographer?

Photography and the media field in general are highly competitive. You have to really bring the heat to stand out. Finding consistent paying work can be challenging as well. Networking is also a big challenge. Now, I always keep business cards on me. When I’m shooting at these events, not only do I want to get my shots, but I also what to know who’s throwing the event and meet the significant people I can reach back out to and invite them to see my work.

On upcoming projects:

Along with building my client base, I am working on a project with a big shoe retailer. I’m also reaching out to Complex because they are hosting this big event in November called Complex Con. So I’m doing this whole campaign on my Twitter to work with them. A producer from Complex actually contacted me, he liked my work and is going to pass on my portfolio.

What quote or phrase do you live your life by?

“You gotta want it” and “Just ask”

You can have these insecurities in yourself, even when you know you are good at what you do, that prevents you from reaching out or approaching certain people. I have knocked out the fear of asking people. They are either going to be with it or they aren’t.

For more on this artist, please visit Aaron Ricketts.com and follow on social media @aaronricketts_