Jessica Page

Feature Contributor: Glo(w) of

There is beauty in both the seen and unseen. In the current age of expanding ideologies, the importance of perspective is understood. Each new angle we experience in life grants us an opportunity to grow into ourselves. Though nothing is new under the sun, there is a continual introduction of newness as each being discovers new perspectives. All things are defined by these discoveries. All preferences are reinforced or altered as we discover the bits of ourselves that has always existed.

Visual artist Jessica J. Page uses her personal experiences and beauty preferences when practicing photography and videography. Through her love of nostalgia (cue the hues of Lisa Frank and the energy of Nickelodeon), Jessica J. Page creates visuals that are simple expressions of joy. Fueling her work is the need to create for her own sake. Jessica J. Page understands the need for creatives to create as a necessity. As she consistently collaborates with local artists rising to prominence, she understands the importance of infusing yourself into the work you present to the world. Her images and videography are directly tied to the bits of herself that are linked to happiness. Her ability to emit sunshiney emotions through art is the evidence of her talent. Page’s imagery reminds all creatives that your best work is your most authentic.

Get to know Jessica J. Page and view her work below.

For the record, what mediums of art do you partake in?
Photography, Video

How long have you been creating?

Forever technically, as a child I was always the art class type student and listened to every word my instructors told me. I always asked to be taken to buy paint and pencils and paper. It wasn’t until I was 16 that I really got into photography, and I was 19 when I bought my own camera.

What’s your most prized accomplishment thus far?

My accomplishments are personal. Investing in equipment and executing looks/ideas. A lot of what I do is for myself and pleasing my own need to see aesthetics brought to life. Whether this means new lights, bigger backdrops, sharper lenses, or a new pair of combat boots to make me feel good while I’m holding the camera.

What’s the most important thing you’ve learned about yourself through your creative process? What inspires you?

I’ve learned what it truly means to not only be an artist but live like one. I am simply here to create. I simply want to use colors, objects and humans to describe feelings I have. I’m living through my emotions and what fuels me to happiness, and what I feel is important. I am inspired by bone structure, cool tones, mysteries and good times. When I’m hired for photos I need to know what you’re wearing and how your hair and makeup will be. It sets the tone for me to select my colors, location, and lighting ideas.

A lot of artists pull inspiration from past creations (like older music artists, movies, painters, etc.). Do you do this at all? If so, what are some of your favorite eras to pull from?

I love the new millennium and I’m happy it’s in right now. Disney Channel and Nickelodeon from 1996-2003 is what makes me the happiest in life. I naturally love the 90s. It’s my birth era. With this, I feel my latest work is like Lisa Frank meets 90s rap culture.

What’s on your music playlist? Who are you listening to?

Honestly too much. Follow me on soundcloud and shuffle through my likes.

What do you think about the way mainstream media portrays artists?

I understand being an artist is the in thing, and I have to watch my words about that. I feel like at the end of the day, artists do what they want to do. Including myself. How you are portrayed can be on your mind, but can’t be the main concern unless that’s what you’re into. Sometimes image has a huge impact on your message being received. From growing up not really being a good socializer, considered cool or considered a priority, I basically feel everything I do has to be for self.

How do you feel about the emphasis on beauty standards and preferred aesthetics in mainstream media?

It sucks, and I think it’s far from realistic. The mainstream media can catch up if they ever decide to, but we have to spread acceptance on our own. I see things that surprise me occasionally but overall they have a long way to go. My complexion, stretch marks, weight and hair texture were things that once bothered me. To be honest, other people have over the years taught me how to embrace my beauty when mainstream media did not. We have to complement each other.  “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

What larger themes exist in your work? What is the most important idea you want people to get from your art?

For the most part my work is always going to be providing a good representation of the subject. I usually like my work to show personality and almost be biographical. The more I work with subjects, the better I get with them.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given?

Don’t tell me how to art.


How do you think the creating process would be different if money wasn’t a factor?

It would be phenomenal. Right off the bat, I can picture a larger studio, being able to rent out areas, build sets, get equipment and fly out models lol.

Do you think it’s important for other artists to congregate and work together?

I feel like artists should always support each other. Working together isn’t always necessary. But that could be the lone wolf in me. I feel like I spend a lot of time in my own world and that’s where I am able to think freely. When I am viewing other artists work or speaking with them, it is less about me and more about them. I’m personal about my work.

When can we expect a project to be released? Where can people consistently view your work?

I am currently working with (music artists) Eric Donte, Teszla, and Bloom. You will see more work throughout the months. There is always work on my website:

For more visuals, follow Jessica J. Page at 

Special thanks Lead Writer and Curator, Glo(w) of

antonio rainey