Lawrence Annunziata

lawrence annunziata

How did you get your start with modeling?

I was studying accounting during my freshman year of college, and a senior on campus approached me pursuing modeling. He was doing some modeling at the time and encouraged me to go on a few open calls. Boss Model Management was the first agency I went to, and they signed me.

lawrence annunziata

What have been some of your most memorable projects?

I walked the Sean John show in 2005. It was the first time in fashion a runway show walked all black male models. Shooting for GQ South Africa was pretty huge. Suitsupply and Project Runway are some of my other notable projects

lawrence annunziata

What are some of the challenges black male models face in the industry?

The industry is currently in their “black culture” phrase, when I first started, facial hair, piercings, tattoos, weaves, anything that was considered ethnic, was too much for clients.  Earlier on, I was told either I’m “too ethnic” or “I’m not ethnic enough.” I did a casting for fashion line in South Africa, and they basically said: “We have already booked our one black guy.” I went to casting call Milan, and the client stated: “we didn’t request black guys.” In both cases, I don’t think they were trying to be malicious but focused on one demographic. Some clients are so accustomed to booking that one black guy and they love his look so much that they try to make others fit that mold. Those situations remind you that we still have a long way to go.

lawrence annunziata

Whose career would like to emulate in the industry?

I like Anderson Noel; he is a good buddy of mine, he has really set the bar with his work. You never really know what he is going to do.

lawrence annunziata

What are your goals outside of modeling?

In a few years, I would like to become a mens talent booker. Share my knowledge of business with other men of color and provide guidance to help them book gigs.

lawrence annunziata

How would you describe your personal style?

I would say Urban Chic.  I like to be casual with pieces that stand out.


What quote or motto do you live your life by?

Every year a create a new one. This year is “Be yourself.”

Try to speak your truth as much as you can. Don’t conform so much that you don't recognize yourself.

For more on this model, please follow on social media at @lawgotnext

antonio rainey