Passion Ward


Miami, Florida 

How did you get your start in photography?

I rekindled my love for photography when I picked up a camera again in 2013. I would choose one of my friends as a subject and set up these photo shoots in my backyard. It was perfect since one of my favorite places to shoot is in nature. The fact that I can create or be a witness to fleeting moments and capture them however I want. I love the freedom in that. Sometimes I still feel like I'm just starting.


How would you describe your photography style?



What is your personal process to capture a great photo?

Anticipation plays a large part in my process since I love to capture raw emotion, feeling, and reaction. Sometimes that requires holding my camera up to my eye for what feels like super awkward lengths of time. But hey, the photo is usually worth it!


What other photographers have influenced you the most?

I just recently started studying other photographer's work. When I first started, I didn't have any specific reference person or influence. I'm glad though because it allowed me to explore my perspective and style without mimicking anyone whether it be subconsciously or consciously. Now I am at a place where I am researching the ones before me. I have been asking people I come in contact with (ya know, to give Google a break and provoke conversation) if they have a favorite photographer or know of any who have made great strides in photographic history. Gordon Parks, he told stories of the people, culture, the times. His work is...cómo se dice...Goals.


What are some of the challenges you have faced in pursuit of your career?

Transitioning from photography as a hobby to photography as a business was challenging. I had to understand the value of my work for others to see it as well. There were times where others saw it, and I didn't, it was so strange. Thankfully now I am at a place where I am more confident and sure of my gifts, so that confidence translates in my work and how others perceive me as a professional photographer.

What's next for Passion?

Finding my voice. It's time to go deeper. Reach further. Color outside of the lines even more. There are stories to be told, and I want to tell them. 


What motto or mantra do you live your life by?

"Purpose is not static; it is dynamic. Purpose continues to be applied throughout your life and how you apply it changes as you live life and go through different stages. All of the gifts God gave you, use them."

For more on this artist, please visit and follow on social media @passionward

antonio rainey